Servicing the New York City Metropolitan area
Tel: 718-631-7877



Computer Services
- affordable
- surprisingly competitive
- senior citizen discounts available
- negotiable for tailored training services

- friendly, qualified & professional service

satisfaction guaranteed

Every computer is different and each computer can have unique and different problems with different solutions. Prices are based on time estimates to solve each problem.  Our experience has enabled us to determine how long it should take to fix any given problem. 
Please scroll down to view Services and Web development pricing.

 Phone & Email support  Free - existing customers Feel free to call for support on computer
issues and we will attempt to provide a quick solution over the phone.  All existing customers are entitled to full phone & email support, free of charge.
 All computer support services
 $50 first hour
 $40 per hour thereafter
$20 additional if travel time is over 30 minutes, plus any bridge, tunnel or highway tolls.
 PC Installation  Starting at $150 We will unpack and set up your computer, connect up to three external devices, connect your PC to an existing Internet connection, create your e-mail account and give you an orientation on how to use your PC software.
 Networking  $100 - 2 computer network
 $50 each addl computer
Price reflects same room installation
Difficult cable routing or other limitations will effect final cost.
 Wireless Network Installations  Starting at $100 Service includes setup and connection to your High Speed Internet Service, connecting one PC and enabling basic security features
 Tailored training  $35 1st hour
 $20 per hour thereafter
  per same day session
1-1 private training.  Includes all notes, pre-written, tailored & developed specifically for you.
 Website design Starter Web Site
 $250 - Up to Two Professionally Designed Web Pages
- Up to Two Custom Rollover Buttons
- Up to Three Scanned Images
- One Scanned Logo
- Planning, Uploading and Testing
Basic Web Site
 $500 - Up to Five Professionally Designed Web Pages
- Up to Five Custom Rollover Buttons
- Up to Twelve Scanned Images
- One Scanned Logo
- Planning, Uploading and Testing
- One Custom Title Graphic
- Two Custom Simple Graphics
Small Business Web Site
 $1000 - Up to Ten Professionally Designed Web Pages
- Up to Nine Custom Rollover Button
- Up to Thirty Scanned Images
- One Scanned Logo
- Planning, Uploading and Testing
- One Custom Title Graphic
- Four Custom Simple Graphics
- One Email Form
- META Tagged for Search Engines

Customized Development

Hourly Fees
Design $40/hr
HTML $40/hr
Programming $59/hr

Per Page
HTML $100
Programming $120

web design website design web designers web page design flash web design

Individual Items

Item by Item
Roll Over Buttons $20
Scanned Images (per scan) $3
Feedback Form $50
Order Form $100
Guest Book $100
Static $50

web design website design web designers web page design flash web design

Maintenance Programs

Maintenance Packages
Web Updates Monthly $49/mo
Web Updates Weekly $97/mo
Web Updates Daily $247/mo
Web Updates Hourly $997/mo

Hourly Maintenance Fees
HTML $40/hr
Programming $59/hr
Design $40/hr


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